Donald Clapper illuminates the figure applying multiple light
sources with color splashes penetrating the composition. This dramatic
colorful lighting adds drama and mystery to the figure. The
style combines everything that the artist enjoys in quality painting... dramatic lighting, interesting composition, skillful
technique and a unique blend of exciting color.
The International Guild of Realism had it's 7th Annual Exhibition in Carmel, California. In
this video on the left you will see him interviewed during the show events.
Click on Donald Clapper's latest video on the left with the artist himself explaining
his new dramatic realism paintings
Donald Clapper is a charter member of a major artist's organization called the
International Guild of Realism (IGOR). 2011, IGOR had it's sixth annual show in Santa Fe, NM, so enojoy seeing the highlights
of the show and the events by clicking on the video to the left.